
You’ve decided it’s time to sell…or buy.

Maybe you know exactly what the next step is…or maybe not.

Guess what? You are not alone.

And, it doesn’t have to be scary, daunting or painful.

No matter what where you are in the land of the mergers and acquisitions (fancy talk for buying and selling businesses), we can support you with financial analysis, business valuation and due diligence.

Are you a buyer?

Suddenly, you have a world of options – and potential businesses that you can buy. You have business brokers sending you listings. Maybe you’ve found one that feels like a good fit. Maybe you don’t know how to even start evaluating them. Maybe you’re ready to make an offer – or just did.

Wherever you are in the buying process, we can help. We provide:

  • initial valuation services to help you make an offer
  • due diligence services to help you more fully understand the results, potential risks and opportunities
  • support for the lending process including business plan development

Are you a seller?

We’ve worked with sellers on transactions from $100,000 to multi-million (and even billion dollar) deals. Some of our clients are ready to retire. Some are ready for their next big thing. They all want to maximize turning their biggest asset into cash for that next phase.

We work with sellers to put the story of their business into words that helps the perfect buyers find them. Let’s be real: it’s not just about the numbers. You can have the best results and still not be able to sell your business because you can’t breathe life into the story that needs to be told. It’s about context. It’s about polishing and spit-shining. It’s about possibilities.

We help sellers:

  • Tell their stories connecting the financial and operational results into a solid package that communicates to just the right buyers
  • Package their business – in writing and in their in-person presentations
  • Work with the lenders to expedite the closing process

An aside for attorneys, bankers and business brokers…

We’re here for you (not like that!).

We have strategic partnerships with multiple business brokers, attorneys and bankers to help them get their deals done. Time kills deals. No one knows that better than you. But it can be hard to make buyers and sellers move faster when they don’t know the process, what you need or how to get it done.

Let us help you help them. We make sure that you get what you need – and how and when you need it.

Meet the Founder
Read more of my story here or view my LinkedIn profile.